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Target Stick Training

How to Train Your Dog with a Target Stick

What is a target stick?

A target stick is a thin, rod-like object that is used to teach dogs new commands and tricks. It is typically made of wood or plastic, and has a small, flat surface at one end. The target stick is held in the trainer's hand, and is used to guide the dog's head and body into the desired position.

Why use a target stick?

There are many benefits to using a target stick when training your dog. First, it helps to create a clear line of communication between the trainer and the dog. The target stick provides a visual cue that the dog can follow, making it easier for them to understand what is being asked of them. Second, using a target stick helps to keep the dog's attention focused on the trainer. By holding the target stick in front of the dog's nose, the trainer can keep the dog's eyes on them, which makes it easier to get the dog to perform the desired behavior.

How to use a target stick

To use a target stick, simply hold it in front of the dog's nose and move it in the direction you want the dog to go. As the dog follows the target stick, praise them and give them a treat. Once the dog is comfortable following the target stick, you can start to use it to teach them new commands and tricks. For example, you can use the target stick to teach your dog to sit, stay, come, and heel.

Tips for using a target stick

Here are a few tips for using a target stick effectively:

  • Start by using the target stick in short, simple sessions.
  • Be patient and consistent with your training.
  • Praise and reward your dog for following the target stick.
  • Make sure the target stick is always a positive experience for your dog.


Using a target stick is a great way to train your dog new commands and tricks. It is a simple and effective training tool that can help you to communicate with your dog more clearly and effectively.
